Time: 7.25h. Up: 940m. Down: 1210m.
Distance: 22km. Difficulty: medium.

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Stage 82: Chalet de la Maline (893m) to Moustiers-Sainte-Marie (620m)

Click and drag on map above to see area around trail. Click here for large zoomable map.

If you took the recommended extra day to hike along the Sentier Imbut, then this is your third day in the Gorges du Verdon. You should set out very early today, because you have to go 4km along the north rim road first thing, which carries a lot of sight-seeing traffic... and rubbernecking drivers don't mix well with hikers on the road.

Soon, however, you will come to the entrance to the third famous walk in the canyon: the Sentier du Bastidon. Unlike the other two, it doesn't go right down to the river, but instead stays a couple of hundred meters above... but it is no less impressive for all that.

A couple of hours later you climb out, cross the road, and go up a ravine to a trail that, many hours of walking along the tops of cliffs later, brings you to Moustiers-Saint-Marie... (another) one of the most beautiful villages in France. And in the village there is a hotel / restaurant with a Michelin star in which if your budget allows you should consider staying... this has all the makings of a perfect H2H hiking day!

From Chalet de la Maline walk west along the road to the start of the Sentier Bastidon, then continue west along the trail until it comes back to the road. Cross the road and follow the trail north up the Ravin du Grinhan to where it intersects the GR4. Turn west again and follow the GR4 until it reencounters the main road, then follow the road north into Moustiers-Saint-Marie.

Alternatives: you could call for a taxi to pick you up at the end of the Sentier Bastidon (information here), thereby cutting the day in half.
Map: IGN-3442OT Gorges du Verdon.

The House to House blog... stage 82.

<A couple of representative photos from this stage will be added here after the hike>
In the meantime, click here to go to all of the H2H photos on Flickr.

GPS Track
<To be added during or after hike>

Room and Board Options
Lunch: picnic.
Dinner and overnight: there are many restaurants and places to stay in Moustiers-Saint-Marie (for a complete list, see here). As far as dinner goes, both La Bastide de Moustiers (+33-(0), 1 Michelin star) and Les Santons (+33-(0) are superb restaurants, but there are several other less expensive options.

Getting There and Back
Chalet de la Maline : from Les Arcs or from Manosque, where there are railway stations, you can take a taxi the 70+ km to the Chalet (for train schedule information, see the SNCF).
Moustiers-Saint-Marie: you can catch buses (some days) to Manosque (bus information here). Alternatively you can take a taxi the 49km to Manosque (taxi information here).
ViaMichelin Road Map and Driving Directions: centered on Moustiers-Saint-Marie.

Background Information and Links
Many and various...

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